Sexual energy can have many transformations: at the lowest, it is biological; at the highest, it is spiritual.
Love is a beautiful feeling. The feeling which is usually represent by other things like: roses, lovebirds - doves, and hearts
Regardless of what sex means for you, if you are suddenly expected to have sex on demand, it can feel traumatic, and can, ironically, make you not want to have sex at all. One positive in the situation is that it provides an opportunity to talk with your partner about what sex does mean to you. This can open up new lines of communication and, in the end, even improve your sex life together.
Infertility gives us time to think.
Infertility is all about waiting. Depending on your situation, you may have scheduled procedures, blood tests, and other deadlines to meet, but in the end, it’s a game of wait and see. And waiting means having lots of time to think about things. If you are trying to conceive, the time between ovulations can feel like eternity, and if you are worried about infertility it’s easy to fill that time with all sorts of pessimistic fantasies. You can easily convince yourself that you will never conceive, or that even trying is a mistake.
We often forget that sex isn’t just about the plumbing, it encompasses our thoughts too. The impact of all that negative and anxious thinking on our sex lives can be significant, and it can affect more than just our mood, it can actually affect our body’s readiness to engage in intercourse.
Infertility brings too many people into our bedrooms.
Most of the time, sex is a relatively private act. While it occasionally can involve more than two people, it usually doesn’t include everyone in your social circle and certainly shouldn’t involve family members. But when you are dealing with infertility, and you start to talk to family and friends about it, your bedroom can quickly become very crowded.
The social pressure to get pregnant, combined with the knowledge that family and friends are worried for you, can put extra unneeded pressure on the two of you as you are trying to have sex. At the best of times it can be difficult for us to focus on the experience of sexual pleasure without letting the stress of our daily lives into the bedroom. When you are dealing with infertility, this struggle becomes exponentially more difficult as the worry is about the sex. Taking some time to leave family and friends at the bedroom door can go a long way to making the sex a bit less heavy.
He’s Your EX. “Ex.” What does that mean to you? Does it mean “now”? Does it mean “for keeps”? Does it indicate that someone or something should be in your life? No. “Ex” is for “excommunicate,” and that’s what you should do with your ex. You didn’t get along. So get over it and get on with someone else. Anything else is too complicated.
He’s Still in Love with You. If you dumped the dude, and you’re no longer in love with him, but you have this vague, sneaking suspicion that he’s still got feelings for you, this sort of unspoken, subterranean sexual tension, even if it’s only a one-way street, will end up sabotaging you, your other relationships, and his ability to move on. If you let him go, it’s like an act of loving mercy. He may disagree.
You’re Still in Love with Him. If you hold a shred of hope that he’ll change, that he’ll decide that he really does want to get married, that one day he may find himself able to commit to you totally, you’re only prolonging your pain. How can you be “friends” with someone you secretly hope for more with? If he does change, he’ll come and find you, but don’t hold your breath.
The Two of You Never Really Got Along Anyway. It’s weird. To really be with someone totally, you have to be their best friend and their lover. But how many couples do you know where it’s all love, sex, and passion, and yet they can’t seem to communicate, connect, or get emotionally intimate with one another? If you couldn’t deal with each other as BFFs in your relationship, you’ll never make it as buddies when the sex is gone.
He Owes You Money. If you’re going to enter a different kind of relationship together, you’ve got to start with a clean state. If he owes you money, never did that thing for you that he swore he would, or in some other way has a debt that has yet to have been repaid to you, the muddle of your romantic relationship will carry over into whatever you have together afterward. Cut your losses and say adios.
One of You Cheated. Just forget it. I mean, really? Not a chance.
He’s a Jerk. It’s great that some awesome people can stay friends with their exes, but the fact of the matter is that sometimes someone did something crappy, and that’s why you broke up. Whatever he was like in the relationship is going to dictate how he is in this friendship of yours, and if he wasn’t a stand-up guy when you guys were together, you really can’t expect him to be a stand-up guy after you stop bumping uglies.
Love has been denoted by many a gestures and objects since time immemorial. Something that has a direct or even a distant connotation with love was used to symbolize this feeling. Some of the representations which have been used for a long time are:
Generally if you see a couple on the roadside or in some park holding hands of each other or kissing, the first comment we make is "they are love birds". But do you know what are the actual lovebirds are? A lovebird is a type of parrot. It got this name for its very sociable and affectionate nature. When a lovebird bonds with its mate, their bonding usually lasts their entire life. So, though you can have one it's always best to keep the lovebirds in pairs.
A lovebird will be normally short and stocky. It is one of the smallest parrots in the world. Generally many lovebirds are green in color. But they also come in many colors. They are basically unknown until the 1600s. Some Europeans who toured Africa saw them and wrote about them. The first lovebirds were imported into Europe in 19th century. By the 20th century lovebirds became more popular in both Europe and US.
Lovebird can be found in Africa and Madagascar. They are very popular pets. The lovebirds are generally tame and so probably adapt to their new environment easily. Pet owners have to ensure that they want lovebirds as their pets. But if you want only one bird, you have to pay it a lot of attention and interaction. Because of this only they are usually kept in pairs, so they can give each other a happy company. Like human beings lovebirds also don't get along sometimes. So be sure that your birds are compatible with each other. Otherwise they may fight with each other.
Any way, the fact is that a lovebird is one that can easily adapt to domestication much easier than any other creature from foreign countries. They can be great pets, if they are given proper care and attention. It's because of their social ability or chirping, they are the most desirable pets. Everyone loves having lovebirds at their homes and show off to their neighbors. You also want to own them.